Heat resistant roofing sheets
In homes, offices, and industries you would find various types of roofing material which works as a good source of construction feat. Unlike concrete roofing which is a permanent type of roof flooring made from Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC), the roofing sheets make it reasonably priced for many people to construct their homes based on temporary roofing which does take much space or adds up the cost. But what happens with this roofing is the heat resistivity is quite low, as metal sheets are good conductors and can pass heat radiation into the interior of your homes. There are several sheets available in the market with their own composition that includes pros and cons as well. Here are some of the famously used heat resistant roofing sheets.
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Corrugated Sheet
Corrugated Sheets are basically steel roofing sheets but with corrugated structure. Corrugated as the name suggests is a repetitive fold which is used to increase the durability of your roof. Corrugated sheet is widely used for sheds, garages, porches etc. They are readily available in the market and are found in abundance as well. The best thing about corrugated sheet is that it can be further classified into 4 types of sheet, with their own benefits.
Galvanized Steel Sheet
With the corrugated pattern, if the sheet is coated with zinc through dip process, it comes galvanized steel sheet. Simply with the process of coating, galvanized sheet increases its potency in certain areas of construction, such as It is lower in price than stainless steel but works similarly like that, requires less maintenance in the longer term, they can be used for a longer time, Can be used for further coating with chemicals such as heat proofing or waterproofing, to make it heat resistant roofing sheets, It has amazing damage control with external interference, It provides ad-hoc protection to areas where there is upward damage either from debris or sunlight, Zinc coating cannot be used on any other type of roofing sheet other than galvanized steel sheet, and lastly inspection and painting takes a lesser time to perform. All of these advantages have made Galvanized Steel sheet one of the prominent options as the heat resistant roofing sheets in Pakistan.
Polyester Painted Sheet
These type of corrugated sheet are mostly used in agriculture sheds and huts, due to low in cost and easier to setup. The modified zinc coating makes the sheet looks dark green with durability to the minimum. Due to the average cost of the sheet, Polyester Painted Sheet has a very low life span and need to replaced every 5 to 10 years. But this small lifespan may sound like a disadvantage, but for outdoors, where work is not in a permanent manner, these polyester painted sheets proved to be vital as heat resistant roofing sheets in Pakistan.
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PVC Plastisol
In terms of sheet coating, similarly like Polyester Painted sheets, there is another compound which has been extensively used as a coating agent for around 100 years. That is called PVC Plastisol. The reason for this coat is to increase the life span of a regular corrugated sheet. Not only it helps to withstand extreme weather with zero tolerance on leakages, but also PVC Plastisol works as a recommended material to provide consistency if corrugated sheets are used in a large area. In order to make PVC Plastisol Sheet a heat resistant roofing sheet in Pakistan, it is required to apply an extra layer of coating either using heat resistant chemical treatment such as elastomeric paint, or titanium dioxide pigment.
Sheets that comes with a bitumen compound attached with corrugated sheet not only provide it with necessary support as heat resistant roofing sheet in Pakistan, but bitumen plays an important role to make it a waterproof sheet as well. The mixture of waterproofing and heat proofing greatly benefits the galvanized sheet to withstand additional pressure either from rain, harsh weather and white color coating from elastomeric paint or polyurethane foam can handle heat resistivity to its maximum.
Can an average household easily apply Heat resistant roofing sheets?
There is a various solution at our disposal which ensure to have adequate protection from the high heat temperature in Pakistan.
One of the solutions requires additional material over your rooftop, known as heat resistant roofing sheets in Pakistan.
But since its an additional investment, what we aim to get through this solution is additional protection from the high summer heat, but which household can avail of this solution in the first place?
In this article, we will explore in detail how various households can avail of this solution in the first place.
Heat resistant chemicals application
Why do people need heat resistant solutions in the first place? To secure themselves from the adverse effects of heatwaves and high summer heat.
Another solution besides using heat resistant roofing sheets in Pakistan, people can also rely on a more approachable solution, in the form of heat resistant chemical application in Pakistan.
For the latter, the application is done on every type of roof, no matter the shape and size, it can be applied through the use of specially made chemical and an experienced technician.
Where does heat resistant roofing sheets are used?
Now with the core question, where does heat resistant roofing sheets are used in practice? We have compiled a basic list about the most common places where this material is actually in the used and secure roof from the high temperature with the best of its ability.
Either way, the solution of heat proofing is done on every household, but with heat resistant roofing sheets, only certain places are adequate for the solution in the first place.
Shed, garage and Ad-Hoc rooms
When talking about the roof which can avail heat resistant roofing sheets, there is not a lot. Meaning, the roof sheets can be applied, with additional cost on any roof as a padding solution, but for its basic roofing needs, only shed, garage, and Ad-Hoc rooms can avail of this solution.
No to mention, the rooms which are made from iron or steel can also take benefit from these heat resistant roofing sheets, but it’s better to apply heat proofing solutions all over the walls and roof just in case.
How to make any sheet heat resistant?
It’s not necessary to rely on the heat resistant roofing sheets as the only solution which help to protect us from the adverse effects of high temperature in Pakistan.
There is a far greater solution, in the form of chemical application, which is way more beneficial and popular than heat resistant roofing sheets to protect from the heatwave and high summer season.
Conclusion: Heat resistant roofing sheets
With various other metal sheets used in Pakistan such as steel sheet, aluminum sheet, Polycarbonate, and Plastic sheet works primary for providing protection to your structure from water, and heat. With corresponding waterproofing and heat proofing chemicals, the roofing sheet can get an additional property to handle environmental variation into its composition quite effectively.
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Frequently Ask Questions
1. What is the best heat resistant roofing?
The best heat-resistant roofing options include clay tiles, metal roofs with reflective coatings, and insulated roof panels. These materials effectively reduce heat absorption and can keep indoor temperatures more comfortable in hot climates.
2. Which sheet is used for heat proofing roof in Pakistan?
In Pakistan, sheets made from materials like polycarbonate, fiberglass, and insulated metal panels are commonly used for heat proofing roofs. These sheets provide excellent insulation and can significantly reduce heat transfer.
3. Which sheet is heat resistant?
Heat-resistant sheets include those made from materials such as fiberglass, polycarbonate, and thermoplastic materials like PVC. These sheets are designed to withstand high temperatures and reduce heat absorption in roofing applications.
4. Is PVC roofing heat resistant?
Yes, PVC roofing is heat resistant and offers excellent thermal performance. It reflects sunlight effectively, helping to keep the interior cooler and reducing energy costs associated with cooling.
5. How to make a roof heat resistant?
To make a roof heat resistant, use reflective roofing materials, apply heat-reflective coatings, and install insulation or radiant barriers. Additionally, incorporating roof gardens or planting greenery can help reduce heat absorption.
6. What is the best roofing sheet for hot weather?
The best roofing sheets for hot weather include insulated metal panels, polycarbonate sheets, and reflective asphalt shingles. These materials help minimize heat transfer and improve energy efficiency in hot climates.